



  1. 印章蒐集方式:前往廠商展覽攤位參觀詢問,並前往微電影競賽影片展示區完成投票。
  2. 摸彩獎品限在場本人領取,核對印章集滿無誤後領取獎品。 唱名三次未在現場者續抽下一位,至所有獎項送出為止。
  3. 摸彩活動於大會閉幕式上舉辦,詳細資訊如下:
    • 日期及時間:113年1月25日15:00-16:00
    • 地點:華立廳

Participants who have collected stamps from 5 "exhibitor booths" and 1 "micro movie" on the provided "raffle ticket" will be eligible for the lucky draw.

  1. The way to collect the stamps: Visit exhibitor booths, and proceed to the micro movie competition video display area to complete the voting.
  2. The lucky draw prizes must be personally claimed by the attendee present at the venue. After verifying the correct completion of the stamped requirements, the prize can be claimed. If the name is called three times without the winner being present, the next person will be drawn, and this process will continue until all prizes are distributed.
  3. The lucky draw event will be held at the closing ceremony. Detailed information is as follows:
      Date & Time: 15:00-16:00, 2024. 1.25 Venue: Wah Lee Hall (Room 93X57, B1)